Thousands in the South without power as storms hit Texas

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) manages the state’s power grid. On Tuesday, ERCOT stated that it anticipated record-breaking demand on Wednesday due to temperatures surpassing 100 degrees Fahrenheit in certain areas of Texas.

Texas power grid

ERCOT stated that it had sufficient power to fulfill demand. However, certain customers might face temporary outages due to power plants requiring maintenance or repairs, causing “forced outages.” These outages are necessary for the proper functioning and upkeep of the plants.

The storms in the South resulted in power outages across multiple states. Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama were all affected. As of Tuesday afternoon, more than 10,000 customers in Texas remained without power, according to

The storms brought floods to certain places. More floods may occur as the storms head east. The heat wave and storms are adding to Texas’ power grid issues. The grid has been criticized for its susceptibility to extreme weather

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In February 2021, Texas experienced a severe winter storm that resulted in widespread power outages. Millions of people were left without power for days.

To address this issue, the state legislature has implemented reforms to enhance the power grid’s resilience. However, it is uncertain if these reforms will effectively prevent future outages.

In the meantime, Texans are bracing for another round of hot weather and the possibility of more power outages.

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