9 Best Lifestyle Changes for Diabetes

Getting a good night’s sleep can be tough for many reasons. We’ve all heard the usual tricks like counting sheep and deep breathing, but for people dealing with chronic anxiety or intrusive thoughts, it’s a different challenge. We talked to eight people who have anxiety, and they shared how they handle intrusive thoughts and restlessness to sleep better.

When you’re diagnosed with diabetes, you get a lot of dos and don’ts to remember. It can be hard to tell what’s really important among all the information online.

We’re here to help you understand clearly. Along with following your doctor’s advice, there are some simple changes you can make to control your condition. Here are a few of the most promising ones:

  1. Keep Track of What You Eat: If you’re learning to manage type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you need to watch how many carbs and nutrients you eat. Focus on whole grains, fruits, veggies, and legumes. You can also try a low glycemic diet, which uses the glycemic index to plan meals with foods that don’t raise your blood sugar quickly.
  2. Limit Protein: Protein is good for you, especially if you have diabetes. But don’t go overboard. Too much can cause kidney problems. Aim for about 20% of your daily calories from protein.
  3. Stay Active: Exercise is important for managing diabetes. It helps keep your blood sugar stable and has other benefits like improving your mood and heart health. A mix of cardio and strength training for at least 150 minutes a week is ideal.
  4. Watch Alcohol Intake: Drinking too much alcohol can affect your blood sugar. Limit yourself to one drink a day if you’re a woman, and two if you’re a man.
  5. Reduce Stress: Chronic stress is linked to a higher risk of diabetes. Finding ways to relax like yoga, meditation, or spending time with your pet can help you manage your condition better.
  6. Cut Back on Sugars: Avoid both real sugar and artificial sweeteners. Instead, find natural ways to satisfy your sweet tooth and be wary of added sugars in packaged foods.
  7. Take Care of Your Skin: Diabetes can cause numbness and pain in your hands and feet. To prevent injuries, make caring for your skin a daily habit.
  8. Seek Support: If you’re overwhelmed, ask for help. A registered dietitian who knows about diabetes can help you plan meals and deal with tricky situations. You can also find support online from others who understand what you’re going through.
  9. Take Control: After diagnosis, it might be tempting to ignore your health. But the sooner you start managing diabetes, the better. Instead of trying to get rid of it, focus on living well with it.
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Did these tips make things clearer for you? They’re all about finding practical ways to manage diabetes and live a good life.


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