The Top 10 Whole Life Insurance Companies of 2023

Whole life insurance offers extended coverage and includes a cash value component functioning like a savings account. Despite being costlier than term life policies, the advantages it provides may outweigh the expense, depending on individual needs.

Selecting the appropriate policy can optimize the benefits for both you and your loved ones. Understanding the options available and tailoring the policy to your specific requirements will help maximize the returns on your investment.

What is whole life insurance?

  • Whole life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that offers various beneficial features. One of its key advantages is that it provides coverage for your entire lifetime, as long as you continue paying the premiums. This means you won’t have to worry about losing coverage as you age.
  • Another essential aspect of whole life insurance is the guaranteed premium. Unlike some other types of insurance policies, the premium you pay for your whole life policy remains fixed over time. This stability can be advantageous, as it helps you plan your finances more effectively without unexpected increases in premium costs.
  • One of the critical benefits of whole life insurance is the guaranteed death benefit. This means that whenever you pass away, your beneficiaries will receive a payout from the insurance company, ensuring that your loved ones are financially protected even after you’re gone.
  • In addition to the death benefit, whole life insurance also builds cash value over time. The cash value is a portion of your premium that accumulates and grows tax-deferred. This cash value can serve as a savings component that you can access during your lifetime for various financial needs.
  • What sets whole life insurance apart is the guaranteed rate of return on the cash value account. Unlike other investment options that may be subject to market fluctuations, the cash value in a whole life policy grows at a steady and guaranteed rate, providing you with a stable and secure asset within your insurance coverage.

Who needs whole life insurance?

  • Whole life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance policy designed to provide lifelong coverage and savings benefits. As long as you pay the premiums, the policy remains in effect, ensuring financial security and an additional savings component.
  • According to Mark Friedlander, the director of corporate communications at the Insurance Information Institute, permanent life insurance is an excellent choice for those seeking lifelong coverage. It eliminates concerns about policy renewals or outliving the coverage, offering continuous protection throughout life.
  • Whole life insurance serves various purposes beyond basic life coverage. It can be utilized to cover end-of-life expenses like funeral costs, irrespective of when death occurs. Additionally, it can help cover estate taxes, especially if the estate surpasses federal estate tax limits or is subject to lower state tax limits.
  • Another beneficial aspect of whole life insurance is its potential to create a trust or inheritance for children, ensuring their financial well-being after the policyholder’s passing. Moreover, it can be integrated into a business continuity plan, serving as part of a buy-sell agreement for business partners, enabling the surviving partner to purchase the other partner’s share.
  • Despite its advantages, whole life insurance may not suit everyone’s needs. Due to its higher costs compared to term life insurance, it may not be the most suitable option for individuals on a tight budget seeking coverage. It’s essential to evaluate your situation and reasons for purchasing a policy before making a decision.
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Cost of whole life insurance

Whole life insurance and term coverage differ in costs due to the coverage duration and cash value savings. While the former typically costs more, the actual expenses can vary based on multiple factors. Age and gender play a significant role in determining the premiums for a whole life policy.

For example, let’s consider a 30-year-old woman looking to purchase a $250,000 whole life insurance policy. According to our analysis, she would pay an average of $180 per month. However, if she decides to wait until she turns 40 to buy the same policy, her monthly premium would increase to $262, on average.

Now, let’s focus on a 30-year-old man in good health seeking a $250,000 whole life policy. For this demographic, the average monthly premium would be around $201. However, if he were to postpone buying the policy until the age of 40, the monthly cost would rise to approximately $293.

In summary, age and gender significantly influence the cost of whole life insurance. It is essential for individuals to consider these factors when making decisions about purchasing such policies.

Average monthly cost of a whole life policy for women by age and amount


Average monthly cost of a whole life policy for men by age and amount


Factors that impact the price of whole life insurance

The cost of coverage depends on various factors, such as age, gender, height, weight, medical history, family medical history, prescription usage, nicotine and marijuana usage, substance abuse, credit history, desired coverage amount, selected add-ons or riders, and high-risk hobbies or professions. Your driving record, particularly offenses like DUIs or speeding tickets, also plays a significant role in determining the cost.

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Based on the 2023 Insurance Barometer Study conducted by Life Happens and LIMRA, it was found that only 24% of individuals accurately estimated the cost of a policy for a healthy 30-year-old at around $200 per year. Surprisingly, more than half of Gen Z adults (55%) and 38% of Millennials thought the cost would be $1,000 or even higher. This highlights the importance of understanding the factors that influence insurance premiums.

How to choose the best whole life insurance company

Are you considering buying a whole life insurance policy? It’s essential to take a few key steps to find the most suitable policy and plan for your needs.

When deciding on life insurance coverage, it’s essential to start by understanding your financial goals. Alison Salka, Ph.D., a senior vice president at LIMRA, recommends asking yourself what you want the life insurance product to achieve for you. You can begin with a needs assessment on your own, but seeking guidance from a financial professional is beneficial, especially for more complex permanent life insurance products.

Common considerations for coverage include:

  • The portion of your salary you’d like to replace and the duration of coverage.
  • Debts to be covered, such as mortgage, child care expenses, or tuition.
  • End-of-life expenses, such as funeral costs.
  • Using life insurance as an inheritance or trust.
  • How existing assets like savings or retirement accounts impact your coverage needs.

Evaluating insurance companies is crucial before making a decision. Start with online research and seek feedback and recommendations from friends, family, or financial experts. Websites like AM Best can help you check each company’s financial strength rating, giving insight into their ability to pay out life insurance claims.

Getting and comparing life insurance quotes is the next step. Request quotes from each shortlisted company, ensuring they offer the same type and amount of coverage. While some whole life insurance companies provide online quotes, others may require you to speak with an agent. Don’t just compare rates; also consider any internal fees charged by the company that might affect your policy’s cash value.

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Is whole life insurance worth it?

When considering life insurance options, whole life insurance can be a suitable choice if your priority is to have coverage for your entire life. It comes with a cash value component that grows tax-deferred and provides the flexibility to access funds while you are still alive.

If having a cash value component is essential to you but you desire more control over its growth, there are other permanent life insurance policies worth considering. For example, you might explore variable life insurance or universal life insurance, which offer different approaches to managing the cash value element.

However, if your primary concern is getting coverage for a limited period, like 20 or 30 years, term life insurance could be a more suitable option. Unlike permanent life insurance policies, term policies are generally more affordable but do not include a cash value component.

Alternatives to whole life insurance

  • Whole life insurance may not be suitable for everyone, as there are various alternatives that might better align with your financial needs and long-term goals. Let’s explore some of these options.
  • One alternative is other permanent life insurance products such as universal life or variable life. These policies also provide lifelong coverage and often come with a cash value component.
  • If you’re looking for coverage for a specific period and want to lock in your life insurance rates, term life insurance could be a good choice. It’s especially beneficial if you have a limited budget or other investment vehicles that can support your loved ones financially after your passing.
  • Consider traditional or Roth IRAs as another option. These individual retirement accounts allow you to save up to $6,500 ($7,500 if you’re 50 or older) annually, providing financial support during your retirement years. Additionally, you can name a beneficiary who will receive the funds, much like a life insurance death benefit.
  • Employer-sponsored 401(k) plans also cater to your retirement needs and offer the advantage of leaving funds to a beneficiary in case of your demise. The beneficiary can use these funds to cover expenses as needed.
  • Finally, fixed annuities are investment accounts that guarantee a specific rate of return and a steady stream of income during retirement. As with other retirement accounts, these funds can be designated as a death benefit for your chosen beneficiary.


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