The Sensex derivatives turnover reached a record high of Rs 6.06 lakh crore on June 22, 2023. This marked a 16.1% increase compared to the previous record of Rs 5.21 lakh crore, which was achieved on February 8, 2023.
The surge in turnover was primarily fueled by robust activity in both equity options and futures contracts. The turnover for equity options amounted to Rs 2.65 lakh crore, while the turnover for equity futures reached Rs 3.41 lakh crore.
The notable increase in turnover was further bolstered by the active participation of retail investors. Their healthy involvement played a significant role in contributing to the record-breaking turnover.
The record high turnover is a sign of the strong interest in the Indian stock market. It also suggests that investors are expecting volatility in the market in the coming months.
Here are some other details from the article:
- The record high turnover was seen in the Nifty 50 index derivatives contracts.
- The turnover in the Bank Nifty index derivatives contracts also rose to a record high of Rs 1.05 lakh crore.
- The increase in turnover was seen across all segments, including cash, futures, and options.
- The record high turnover was driven by strong participation from both domestic and foreign investors.