Supreme Court to Consider Mountain Valley Pipeline Case

Mountain Valley Pipeline LLC has requested the U.S. Supreme Court to lift stays imposed by a federal court. These stays have halted the construction of a section of the pipeline that runs from West Virginia to Virginia, carrying natural gas.

Image – REUTERS/Charles Mostoller

The construction of the pipeline’s last short portion, passing through the federally owned Jefferson National Forest, was halted by an appellate court in Virginia. This decision was in response to environmentalists’ opposition to the project. The court believed that construction should be stopped while it reviewed the project’s federal approvals.

Mountain Valley Pipeline LLC is appealing to the Supreme Court to intervene and allow construction to resume. The company argues that the appellate court’s ruling was flawed and based on an incorrect interpretation of the law. They also emphasize the significant impact the decision will have on the completion of the project.

It is uncertain whether the Supreme Court will choose to take up the case. The decision to do so could potentially have far-reaching implications for the future of the Mountain Valley Pipeline.

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