Yoni Mudra Womb Gesture Meaning, Benefits and Steps to Do It

Hastha Mudras, also known as Hand gestures, are gaining global popularity as an integral part of yoga practice. One such hand gesture is Yoni Mudra, which can regulate hormonal imbalances and improve fertility in women. The practitioner of Yoni Mudra experiences a sense of peace and detachment from the outside world. This gesture is dedicated to the Hindu goddess Shakthi and is also referred to as Shakthi Mudra. In English, Yoni Mudra is known as the Womb Gesture.

Yoni Mudra focuses on strengthening and nurturing the sacral chakra or Swadhisthana, which is crucial for maintaining women’s reproductive organ health. To delve deeper into this hand gesture and its benefits, let’s explore the following article.

Image – herzindagi / Pooja Sinha

Let’s Find Out The Meaning Of Yoni Mudra:

Yoni Mudra holds a significant meaning. The term “Yoni” derives from Sanskrit and translates to “Uterus” or “womb.” It symbolizes the sacred space where life is nurtured and protected. In the context of a baby in the uterus, it experiences a stage of existence isolated from the external world, shielded from worldly concerns and stresses. Similarly, practicing Yoni Mudra in yoga allows one to detach from the external world, fostering a sense of inner peace and tranquility.

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How to Do Yoni Mudra Step by Step:

  1. Begin by finding a comfortable seated position with a straight spine.
  2. Take a moment to focus on your breath, taking slow and deep breaths.
  3. Join the tips of both thumbs and bring your hands together, facing downwards in the shape of an inverted Namaste.
  4. Join the tips of both index fingers as well, maintaining the hand position.
  5. Slowly turn your ring, middle, and tiny fingers inwards, allowing the backs of the fingers to touch each other, creating a shape resembling a womb.
  6. Point your index fingertips towards your pelvis while pressing the tips of your thumbs together.
  7. Optionally, incorporate Pranayama, a breathing technique, to enhance the benefits of the mudra.

Tips to Perform Yoni Mudra:

  • Start practicing Yoni Mudra slowly and gradually increase the time to avoid problems.
  • Find a calm and clean space without distractions for optimal benefits.
  • Consistency is key, so practice Yoni Mudra regularly for efficient results.
  • Avoid practicing Yoni Mudra if you are under stress, feeling anxious, or have a fever or cold.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle and proper diet to enhance the benefits of Yoni Mudra.
  • Refrain from performing Yoni Mudra if you have recently suffered an injury to your arm, wrists, fingers, or shoulders.
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How Long Do You Hold Yoni Mudra?

Performing Yoni Mudra or any Mudra initially for a short duration is recommended. It is advised to start with a few minutes and gradually increase the duration. Holding Yoni Mudra for at least two minutes can help in achieving a calming and soothing effect on the body. As you become more accustomed to the Mudra, you can extend the duration for as long as you are comfortable, with a maximum recommended time of 45 minutes per day. Regular practice of Mudras can provide various benefits for overall well-being.

Benefits of Yoni Mudra:

  1. Yoni Mudra offers emotional, mental, and spiritual benefits.
  2. It helps individuals gain insight into their strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Yoni Mudra fosters a deep connection with spirituality.
  4. Combining Yoni Mudra with yoga or Pranayama maximizes its effects.
  5. It is a powerful tool for achieving a heightened state of meditation.
  6. Yoni Mudra facilitates the journey towards inner peace and tranquility.
  7. It reduces bodily fire, stress, anger, and anxiety.
  8. It improves hormonal balance and enhances women’s fertility.
  9. Yoni Mudra promotes vitality, energy, and overcomes lethargy.
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Yoni Mudra gives you the power to hear your inner sound and also helps calm your mind and body efficiently. Your body gets the ability to work in a smooth and balanced way if you perform the Mudra in the right way. So without further ado, add Yoni Mudra to your routine and reap all the benefits. Don’t forget to let us know if you found this article helpful!


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