9 Yoga Asanas to Help Pass Kidney Stones

People suffering from kidney stones are increasingly becoming common nowadays among all age groups.The yoga asanas for kidney stones will help one treat this predicament naturally and also work towards the overall general well-being of one’s body.

Kidney stones are a painful condition where one experiences sudden sharp and severe pain in the abdomen. This can adversely affect one’s overall health.On the other hand, these yoga poses for kidney stones help to stretch the body effectively and get rid of kidney stones from the body in a healthy manner.

What Are Kidney Stones And Reasons:

Kidney stones are hard mineral and salt deposits that form inside the kidneys. They are caused when urine contains higher levels of minerals and salts than required.There are different types of kidney stones: calcium stones, struvite stones, uric acid stones, and cysteine stones.

Kidney stones vary in size and shape from person to person. They can be as small as grains or tiny sand particles. Doctors often advise using medications and natural methods to eliminate kidney stones. The color of kidney stones can be brown or yellow, depending on the health of one’s kidney. Common reasons for kidney stones include blockage in the urinary tract, digestive concerns, obesity, and more.

Can Yoga Cure Kidney Stones?

Yoga in medical terms is not considered a complete cure for kidney stones. It is, however, recommended as a complementary approach along with medical care. Yoga and fitness activities can help alleviate pain and symptoms associated with kidney stones. Moreover, they can enhance the overall functioning of the kidneys.

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Regular practice of yoga can yield positive results in eliminating small kidney stones from the body. By incorporating specific yoga poses and techniques, the body can effectively expel these stones. This natural approach offers a potential alternative to invasive medical procedures for treating kidney stones.

Yoga Poses And Asanas For Kidney Stones:

Camel Pose

Image Source – yogapractice

Camel Pose, also known as Ushtra asana in yoga, is effective for treating kidney stones. By going down on your knees hip-width apart, placing your hands behind, pushing your hips and thighs forward, and leaning back to hold your heels with your hands, you can relieve pain and concerns with blood during this condition. Stay in this posture for 15-20 seconds while breathing in and out, then slowly return to the original position and repeat.

Raised Leg

Image SOurce – FB

Raised Leg, or Uttanpadasana, is another beneficial yoga asana for kidney stones. By lying down straight on your back, lifting your legs up straight at a perpendicular angle from the floor, and holding the position, you can relax your muscles in the lower back, abdomen, legs, and pelvic area. This pose helps with the functioning of kidneys and liver, reduces pain, and works on kidney stones.

Wind Releasing Pose

Image – Alakhyog

Wind Releasing Pose, or Pawanmuktasana, stretches the entire body from the head to the legs and effectively targets the lower back and kidney area. By lying flat on the floor, bringing your legs up towards your chest area, and taking deep breaths, you can reduce kidney stones, pain, and cramping. Exhale and release from this pose, then repeat. Avoid this pose if you have spine problems.

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Child Pose

Image – Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Child Pose, or Bala asana, is beneficial for kidney stone removal. By sitting on the floor with your buttocks resting on the heels, lifting your arms above your head, and lowering your torso between your thighs, you can reduce pain and prevent further damage or issues related to digestion and kidneys. Sit in this pose for 30 seconds, relax, and repeat. Avoid this pose if you are pregnant or have a knee injury.

Half Spinal Twist

Half Spinal Twist, or Ardha Matsyendrasana, helps improve kidney functioning, reduce pain, and enhance blood flow towards the liver. By sitting on the floor comfortably, bending your left knee, placing your left heel under the right side hip, and twisting your waist towards the right side while maintaining an erect back, you can enjoy the benefits of this pose. Do not forget to inhale and exhale, and avoid sitting on your heels, pregnancy, or if you have hernia issues.

Eagle Pose

Eagle Pose, or Garudasana, is effective in treating kidney concerns. By standing erect, lifting your right leg slowly, crossing it over the left thigh, balancing your body on the left leg, and crossing your right elbow over the left one while maintaining balance, you can increase blood flow to the kidneys, strengthen abdominal muscles, and improve body balance. Hold the position for 20 seconds, relax, and repeat.

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Bow Pose

Bow Pose, or Dhanurasana, relieves kidney stones and reduces pain near the pelvic area. By lying down on your stomach, folding your knees, and holding both ankles with your hands, you can lift your chest from the ground and pull both legs straight up at the same time, stretching the body like a bow. Hold this pose for 20-30 seconds, then relax. Avoid this pose if you have back pain or hernia.

Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose, or Bhujangasana, stimulates organs in the abdominal region, treats kidney pain, and stretches the kidneys to clear blockages. By lying down on your stomach, placing both hands and palms on the floor, and lifting the torso while taking deep breaths, you can improve blood circulation, provide relief, and repeat the pose.


Pranayama, a breathing exercise and technique, helps relax the body and mind. By sitting down comfortably with an erect spine, closing your eyes, and taking deep breaths while focusing on the process, you can improve the overall functioning and stimulation of body organs. Regular practice of pranayama for 10-15 minutes can control blood pressure and reduce chronic diseases.


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